Altering Your Business Phone Systems to Better Serve Changing Times

How we do business has changed over the past few months, and along with the business tools that have pivoted to ensure this transition is actually functional.

Which is where OCI Systems come in to help business owners and employees with these changes, offering communication capabilities for a remote working environment through our Allworx phone system provider.

Allworx creates a seamless remote work environment that provides you with both an office and home phone, along with the PC softphone capabilities to streamline ‘business as usual’. How companies are operating might look different, but it doesn’t have to feel different when it comes to communication!

Your User Experience Matters to Us

Not only do Allworx phones provide the capabilities a business needs to function, they also deliver the flexibility for both business owners and employees, allowing you to manage your time, location and budgetary needs.

There is no added equipment needed to work remotely when it comes to the Allworx phone systems. In fact, your mobile device can access your home-base server with ease, while opting for the wireless network of your choosing, and connecting your wireless calls and customers throughout all the various business transaction that can go on throughout the day – as you see fit.

Laptop Capabilities Make Remote Work a Breeze

Just this past May of 2020, Allworx created a system known as ‘Interact Softphone’, which allows remote business owners the opportunity to utilize their laptops as a communication device using a Windows platform.

This allows business owners and their employees to make and receive calls, activate your status from anywhere you choose, interface with CRM software, record calls – and so much more!

Whether you’re an employee who is now working from home and looking for ways to encourage your company to advance to a better system, or a business owner who is looking for ways to optimize the remote working situation for all – as an authorized Allworx Partner, OCI can help!

Call us at: (604) 855-9995 or Toll Free: 1-855-624-2666, or feel free to fill out our Online Form for more details as to our services and how we can help you make the most of your communication capabilities over these changing times!